Sunday, April 29, 2012

4 Ways on How to Keep your Relationship Healthy

(Yung iba to follow lol)

Relationships are exciting, magical, inspiring and most of all it changes the way we look into things. Sure it can be rewarding to find that very special person that will cherish and love you but there will be times that that same person will cause you great despair and loneliness. Most of the time,  if we feel like the spark is gone we just want to get away with it but in the end we'll realize that life is never going to be the same without this person.

It can be tough to keep your relationship healthy all the time but rewarding when you learn the art of NOT letting go of it when it gets complicated.  We don't want to give up a very special person whom we love and we can't live without.

Here are 4 of the most recommended ways to keep a healthy relationship:

Communicate.  Most girls would not talk to their guys about stuff that could possibly lead them to be rejected. Small dark secrets or things that might upset their partners and in the long run leave them. Guys have to reassure their girls that things from the past will be never be a reason for him to leave her . Encourage her to speak up and tell you what she really feels  and most of all, BE HONEST.

There are tendencies that men forget to appreciate the little things about their women.  Especially when they have been together for some time. No more pet names, no telling how beautiful or awesome they look like and maybe they tend to forget to compliment their partners.

Respect is also one of the best factors when communicating to your partner. Talk kindly and avoid pointing fingers.

Keep the spark. There are times when we feel that your partner has changed and you might say that he is not the person you have known and loved at all. Things has not been the same between your partner and we tend to just give up. Regrets are useless when you feel that you could have fixed your relationship. To keep it all going and amazing, you may want to spend some quality time together or do whatever you did before that you both loved to do. You may try something new like going out with your man to watch his favorite sports or a pleasant surprise would do.

Address your issues. It's not always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes it rains in every relationships and there are no exceptions. Arguing is very common and we always want to win. It would be better to learn how to forgive and make sure not to argue about the same things over again. If you feel you were wrong, it helps to say sorry.

Be friends. Laughing with your partner is a true way of keeping your relationship strong. Find common things that both of you enjoy doing. Share secrets and keep each other updated. Talk about the weather or anything under the sun. Make friends with your partner.

These are just some of the common ways to keeping any relationships going,. Every relationships are different and sure there are many ways of treating them. 

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