Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 Signs that Tell You Have Moved On from the Past Relationship 
(according to my wildest guess)

How can you really tell that you have moved on or completely over with your ex?  it isn't easy to go through the process of moving on especially when you have lived most of your life with your former love. When your family, your friends, and everyone around you have been used to seeing  both of you together  and suddenly you both decided to just end it all up. 

There sure can be lots of ways to show that you have MOVED ON from the PAST . As for me, these are the major (major) signs that you have FINALLY moved on:

1.  You use to drool and lose yourself when you see him, now you don't.

Abs? uh, no thanks!

2.  You don't see him on your Facebook news feed and it's no big deal. 

Say no to stalking!

3. You have no major concern about his life.

He has a new gf. - "so?"
He's having a baby. - " Why do I have to know, you want me to be a ninang?"
He's getting married. - " e di wow!"

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